I use Del.icio.us as my online bookmark manager. It's so simple to use, yet so powerful. I especially like the capability to post the bookmark to my account using simple javascript bookmarks.
Here are my bookmarks.
These are the good things about this goody:
- Everything is wide open, with no proprietary crap.
- Bookmarks are tagged using one or more keywords that you choose.
- There are tons of autogenerated RSS feeds: for all your bookmarks, for other's bookmarks, for everyones bookmarks, for a particular tag from all , you get the idea.
- There is a nice API allowing you to use the data as you please (like on a sidebar on your website for starters)
One does wonder about how long a good thing can last for free. Hopefully this will last.
I use the following shell script to regularly backup my bookmarks to an xml file:
umask 077
read -p "Enter your password : " -s pw
curl -u amit:${pw} 'http://del.icio.us/api/posts/all' > del.icio.us-backup-`date +%G%j%k%M%S`.xml