- Adding a new rebate:
Step 1 Enter zip code for mailing address (zip+ext)
Step 2 A list of rebates with same submission zip code is displayed
Step 3
Case 1 - Click on one of the links to prepopulate rebate form with entered information.
(Display Submission address, Contact information, rebate validity, postmark date, expect check date)
Case 2 - Enter new rebate and capture all information:
(Product Name*), (Rebate amount*), (Rebate Description*), (Purchase valid from*), (Purchase valid until*), (Must postmark by*), (Expect check in*), (to ) weeks, (Submission address*), (City*), (State*), (Zip*), (Zipext), (Product Website), (Rebate Form URL), (Enquiry Phone), (Enquiry Email), (Inquiry Website)
Display info as in Case 1.Step 4 Get (Purchase Location), (Purchase Date), (Purchase Price), (Date Mailed), (Postage), (Status: one of Mailed, Processing, Approved, Declined, Received, Void), (date Completed)
Allow user to save/cancel data - Change Status of a rebate
Currently active (status != Declined, Received, Void) rebates are displayed. One of them is selected, display the same data as in Step 4. and allow user to change and save data. - Periodic run
Go through currently active rebates and email reminder for all rebates falling after (mail date + Expect check low)