I was just about to abandon python and join the ruby camp to be able to use the wonderful rails framework for web application development. (They do have very good documentation and impressive video demo which you should check out!) But then came the announcement of Django. I really like the python language and feel that I can understand someone else's python code, (though ruby looks equally fascinating). I read through the tutorials and checked out the svn repository and worked with the tutorials. This framework looks easy to use and seemingly makes your application portable enough to use any of the underlying database backends (postgresql, mysql, sqlite) and webservers (apache, lighthttpd, twistedweb etc). The initial few days after the announcement, there were very hectic updates on the code and documentation front (with support for sqlite backend , standalone server and new tutorial and documentation about generic views and form fields coming in a matter of a couple of days). This has now gradually slowed down.
I decided to write a sample application (rebate tracking) and immediately hit some issues. I am trying to make the user registration and login/logout part work, but am not following how that is hooked into the framework. The users added with admin interface do not get recognized by the authentication code. Tried IRC help, but haven't been able to get anyone who can help. I am studying the code right now. I am going to look closely into the decorator and middleware code now. I will write about my progress here.