Monthly Archives: August 2009

First impressions on Google Wave

I was really looking forward to get a chance to play with Google Wave. If you have not heard about this, Google is experimenting with a new means of communication and collaboration (to destroy any remains of your unused time!). Watch the video of the demo from Google IO conference to get a feel for the technology.

The catch line is - How would email be if it is designed today ?

Being Google, they are fairly open about the entire technology.Google Wave is a collection of several components which work in concert to bring us this amazing way to collaborate and communicate. There is the wave server (which hosts the waves. Google provides an implementation and others are free to implement it in their own control), federation protocol (which is open specifications protocol and allows the servers to talk to each other), the client (typically your web browser which you use to interact with the wave server, but there is a sample text client and emacs based client in development as well!), the gadgets (small pieces of code that are embedded in documents and provide rich look and feel and additional functionality to the wave) and the robots (robot participants in the wave which can do cool things like correct spelling as you type, syntax highlight code while it is being pasted in the wave, translate language etc.)

I have spent some time in developing a robot called Nokar (meaning assistant or servant in Marathi/Hindi) which can do several things when invited to a conversation - Insert images based on specified keywords, translate text between a set of 20 languages among some other geeky functions. The intention was to learn about the robot protocol. I also created some pages which use the embed API. This allows any web page to embed a wave conversation (or a subset of it). I am also going to experiment with the Gadgets in the next few weeks. I will try to document my process in next few posts.

डिपाडी डिपांग

डिपाडी डिपांग डिचिबाडी डिपांग
इडिबाडी डिचिबाडी डिपांग ।२। ||ध्रु||

काळी माती निळं पानी हिरवं शिवार
ताज्या ताज्या माळव्याचा भुईला या भार
ज्वानीच्या या मळ्यामन्दी पिरतीचं पानी
बघायाला कवतिक आलं नाही कुनी
मळ्याला या मळेवाली भेटलीच नाय
अन् राणी माझ्या मळ्यामन्दी घुसशील काय ||१||

काकडीचा बांधा तुझा मिरचीचा तोरा
मुळ्यावानी कडू तरी रंग गोरा गोरा
लिंबावानी कांती तुझी विटावानी ओठ
टम्बाट्याचं गाल तुझे भेंडीवानी बोटं
काळजात मंडई तु मांडशील का
अन रानी माझ्या मळ्यामन्दी घुसशील का ||२||

नको गाऊ भाजीवाल्या पिरतीची गानी
शिळ्या शिळ्या भाजीवर शिंपडुन पानी
ओसाड्याच्या गावी तुझा ओसाडाच मळा
गुलाबाला सोसवना उन्हाळ्याच्या झळा
strawberry ला कांदा कधी शोभनार नाही ||३||

तुझ्यासाथी जिवाराची केली मशागत
खुरपला जीव दिलं काळजाचं खत
राखायला मळा केली डोळ्याची या वात
बुजगावन्या च्या परी उभा दिन रात
नको जळू दिन रात नको जीव टांगू
ठाव हाय मला सारं नको काही सांगू
पिरतीत राज्या तुझ्या नाही काही खोड
तुझ्या हाती मिरचीबी लागतीय गोड
माज्यासंग मळा तुझा कसशील काय ||४||

Video Link!

Book Notes – The New Coffeehouse Investor

This is the second edition of The Coffeehouse Investor. I had really liked the first edition and I dug this up to see what has changed.

This book is all about three lifelong principles:
1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket - Diversify your assets to maximize the chances of reaching your financial goals with minimum risk. (Asset Allocation)
2. There is no such thing as free lunch - Markets are efficient. If you find an investment with better returns, it comes with more risk. (Approximate market averages - indexing)
3. Save for rainy day - It's important to save more than rely on unusual investment returns.

The author stresses the importance of these principles and then advises you to ignore the Wall Street and get on with your life!
