(or is a marathi news website using unicode fonts. But it does not display correctly on firefox browser. The problem is because of a single HTML div which uses justified font style. It displays correctly on IE (which is why it is not getting fixed) - this could be because of firefox's buggy implementation of "align: justify" or that IE simply ignores that style (likely).
Anyway, here is a javascript one liner that you can bookmark and once the page is loaded, click on it to fix your font problem.
Fix Ma. Ta. -- Drag this link to your bookmarks.
I tried to create a greasemonkey script to do this automatically, but it's not working for some reason...
Update: Apparently it *is* a mozilla/firefox bug open for 4+ years. See here and here.
Update2: Here is a greasemonkey script by Saravana Kumar to fix this issue. Caution: you might want to change the included domains carefully (it by default runs on all http and https sites!)
Update3: Here is my greasemonkey script specific for maharashtratimes. Enjoy!
Update4: (2009-02-16) The original site seems to have removed this style attribute now. So the above post is now only for posterity.