There is no mailto link on this website to contact me, the obvious reason being spammers who harvest the email addresses from webpages. Earlier they used to hound the newsgroups, then they turned to collecting mailto links, and now they are just scanning the pages to collect anything that looks like an email address.
One way to fight spam is to waste their resources. I had some hidden links on my pages which were not visible to "normal" visitors. (i.e. link in HTML comment or link with text of the same color as page background etc.) The only people who will access those links are spammers (and a few curious who want to view source of each webpage they visit ;-)) The link then takes them to a dynamically generated webpage, which contain a lot of links to similar dynamic pages and has plenty of meaningless email addresses. The intention is to just pollute the spam databases (i.e. making the value of the database less by adding lots of noise to the signal, if you know what I mean). Here is one example of such a scheme. You have to be careful though, to disallow search engine spiders fall into this trap.
I have now taken those links down. The benefits to me are minimal and spammers do get more powerful (by not following these links), this this is more of a cat and mouse game.
I am thinking of just adding a simple contact me form, using which people who do not know my email address can send email to me. To keep spammers away, it will have a simple puzzle (something like what day is today, which color is sky etc) selected randomly from a list and used to validate the form. I am sure there is something already existing to do exactly this...