Category Archives: India

लाभले आम्हास भाग्य बोलतो मराठी

लाभले आम्हास भाग्य बोलतो मराठी
जाहलो खरेच धन्य ऐकतो मराठी
धर्म , पंथ , जात एक जाणतो मराठी
एवढ्या जगात माय मानतो मराठी

आमुच्या मनामनात दंगते मराठी
आमुच्या रगारगात रंगते मराठी
आमुच्या उराराउरात स्पंदते मराठी
आमुच्या नसानसात नाचते मराठी

आमुच्या पिलापिलात जन्मते मराठी
आमुच्या लहानग्यात रांगते मराठी
आमुच्या मुलामुलीत खेळते मराठी
आमुच्या घराघरात वाढते मराठी

आमुच्या कुलाकुलात नांदते मराठी
येथल्या फुलाफुलात हासते मराठी
येथल्या दिशादिशात दाटते मराठी
येथल्या नगानगात गर्जते मराठी

येथल्या दरीदरीत हिंडते मराठी
येथल्या वनावनात गुंजते मराठी
येथल्या तरुलतात साजते मराठी
येथल्या कळीकळीत लाजते मराठी

येथल्या नभामधून वर्षते मराठी
येथल्या पिकांमधून डोलते मराठी
येथल्या नद्यांमधून वाहते मराठी
येथल्या चराचरात राहते मराठी

पाहुणे जरी असंख्य पोसते मराठी
आपुल्या घरात हाल सोसते मराठी
हे असे कितीक खेळ पाहते मराठी
शेवटी मदांध तख्त फोडते मराठी

कवी - सुरेश भट
संगीत - कौशल इनामदार

बाल विहार प्रार्थना

To play the file, click on the small triangle before the name. (needs javascript and flash plugin)
To download the file, right click on file name and select “Save Link As” or “Save Target As”

१ एकदन्तम्‌ महाकायं लम्बोदर गजाननम्‌ ।
विघ्ननाशकरम्‌ देवं हेरम्बं प्रणमाम्यहम्‌ ॥
(Ekadantam mahakayam lambodaragajananam
Vighnanashkaram devam herambam pranamamyaham)

O Lord Ganesha, who has a single tusk, mighty body, pendant bellied,
I pray to Thee Oh Lord, to remove the obstacles from all actions I intend to perform

२ गुरूर्ब्रह्मा गुरूर्विष्णु: गुरूर्देवो महेश्वर:।
गुरूरेव परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नम:॥
( Gurur Brahmaa Gurur Vishnuh Gurur Devo Maheshvarah;
Gurureva param Brahma tasmai Shree Guruve namah)

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Audio

Guru is Brahma, guru is Vishnu, guru is Lord Maheshwara; guru is the visible
supreme divinity incarnate, salutation to that guru.

३ सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि ।
विद्यारंभं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा ॥

(Sarasvati namastubhyam varade kaamaroopini
Vidyaarambham karishyami siddhir bhavatu me sadaa)

Salutation to you, O Saraswati, grantor of blessings and embodiment of all wishes;
I am getting inducted to studies, may there be fulfilment for me forever.

४ कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी: करमध्ये सरस्वती ।
करमूले तु गोविन्दम्‌ प्रभाते करदर्शनम्‌ ॥

(Karaagre vasate Lakshmi, karamadhye Sarasvatee
Karamoole tu Govindam prabhaate karadarshanam)

Karagre Vasate Laxmi Audio

At the fore of the hands resides Lakshmi, and at the middle, Saraswati;
at the root is seated Gauri, (so) see the palm of the hand at dawn (first).

शांति मंत्र
ॐ सह नाववतु सह नौ भुनक्तु, सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।
तेजस्वि नावधीत्मस्तु मा विद्विषावहै ॥
ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति: ॥

Shanti Mantra (Om saha naavavatu saha nau bhunaktu saha veeryam karavaavahai
Tejasvinaavadheetamastu maa vidvishaavahai,
Om Shaantih, Shaantih, Shaantih.)

May he protect us both—the teacher and the taught. May he nourish us both.
May we acquire more strength (from knowledge).
May our study be enlightened and may we not dislike each other.

६ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: सर्वे सन्तु निरामय: ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्‌ दु:खभाग्‌ भवेत्‌ ॥

(Sarve bhavantu sukhinah, sarve santu niraamayaah;
Sarve bhadrani pashyantu, maa kashchid duhkhabhaag bhavet.)

Oh Loard in Thee may all be Happy, may all be free from misery
May all realise goodness and may no one suffer pain.

गायत्री मंत्र

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व:।
ॐ तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि।
धियो यो न: प्रचोदयात्‌ ॥ ॐ ॥

Gayatri Mantra
(Om bhur bhuvas suvaha, Om tat savitur vareNyaM, bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayaata, Om.)

Listen to ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व:
We meditate on the glory of the Creator, ; Who has created the Universe;
Who is worthy of Worship; Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;
Who is the remover of all Sin and Ignorante; May He enlighten our Intellect.

८ ॐ पूर्णमद: मूर्णमितं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते ।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥

(Om poornamadah poornamidam poornat poornamudachyate
Poornasya poornamadaaya poornamevaavashishyate.)

That (pure consciousness) is full (perfect); this (the manifest universe of matter;
of names and forms being maya) is full. This fullness has been projected
from that fullness. When this fullness merges in that fullness, all that
remains is fullness.

महा मृत्युंजय मंत्र
ॐ त्र्यंबकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्‌।
उर्वारूकमिव बंधनान् म्रूत्योर्मुक्षीयमाम्रुतात्‌॥

Maha Mrutyunjay Mantra
(Om Tryambakam yajaamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanaat mrutyor mukshiya maamrutaata.)

Om. We worship the three-eyed One (Lord Shiva) Who is fragrant and
Who nourishes well all beings; may He liberate us from death for the sake of
immortality, even as the cucumber is severed from its bondage (to the creeper).

१० असतो मा सत्‌ गमय। तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।
म्रुत्योर्माऽ म्रुतं गमय। ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति: ॥

(Asato Maa sat gamaya, tamaso maa jyotir gamaya
mrityor maa amrutam gamaya, Om Shaantih, Shaantih, Shaantih.)

O Lord, please lead me from unreal to real. Please lead me from darkness to light.
(i.e. from ignorante to knowledge). Lead me from death to immortality.

११ वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सुर्यकोटी समप्रभ ।
निर्विघ्नम कुरुमे देव सर्व कार्येषु सर्वदा ॥

(Vakratunda mahaakaaya suryakoti samaprabhaa
Nirvighnam kurumedeva sarvakaryeshu sarvadaa)

Vakratunda Mahakaya Audio

O god with the twisted trunk, broad-bodied, brilliant as thousand suns, bless me with
freedom from obstructions and hindrances in all my works and for all times.

१२ ओंकारम्‌ बिंदुसंयुक्तम्‌ नित्यं ध्यायन्ति योगिन:।
कामदं मोक्षदं चैव ओंकाराय नमो नम:॥

(Aumkaaram bindusanyuktam, nityan dhyayanti yoginah;
Kaamadam mokshadam chaiva, aumkaaraaya namo namah.)

Yogis meditate forever on Aumkara associated with the Bindu, salutation to the
Aumkara, the grandor of wishes and salvation.

१३ कायेन वाचा मनसेंद्रियैवा बुध्यात्मना वा प्रक्रुते: स्वभावात्‌।
करोमि यद्यत्‌ सकलं परस्मै नारायणायेति समर्पयामि ॥

(kaayena vaachaa manasendriyairva, budhyatmanaa vaa prakruteh swabhaavaat;
Kaaromi yadyat sakalam parasmai, naaraayanaayeti samarpayaami.)

Whatever I do either by body, speech, mind or sensory organs, either with my personal
knowledge or natural trait, I surrender and submit all to that supreme divine Narayana.

१४ त्वमेव माता पिता त्वमेव त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव।
त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणं त्वमेव त्वमेव सर्वं मम देवदेव ॥

(Tvameva maataa cha pitaa tvameva, tvameva bandhushcha sakhaa tvameva;
Tvameva vidyaa dravinam tvameva, tvameva sarvam mama devadeva.)

You are the mother, you are the father, you are the relative, you are the friend,
you are education, you are wealth, you are everything for me, O Lord, O Lord.

१५ शुभं करोति कल्याणं आरोग्यं धनसंपद: ।
शत्रु बुद्धि विनाशाय दीपज्योति: नमोऽस्तुते ॥

(Shubham karoti kalyanam, aarogyam dhanasampadah;
Shatru budhhi vinaashaaya, deepajyotih namoostu te.)

The grantor of auspices, welfare, health, wealth and prosperity, salutation to you
O flame of the lamp, for the destruction of the thought of enmity.

काही बालगीते

Update: Click here to play all songs in your browser.

To play the song, click on the small triangle before the song name. (needs javascript and flash plugin)
To download the song, right click on song name and select "Save Link As" or "Save Target As"
नाच रे मोरा
आम्ही कोळ्यांची पोरं हाय हो
अगडम बगडम (
छडी लागे छम छम
चांदोमामा चांदोमामा भागलास का
कोणास ठाऊक कसा
खोडी माझी काढाल तर
लहान माझी बाहुली
दिवस उद्याचा सवडीचा
सांग सांग भोलानाथ
टप टप टप टप टाकीत टापा
ये रे ये रे पावसा रूसलास का
एक मुलगा गेला तळ्याच्या काठी
सांगू काय सांगू काय
एका माकडाने काढले दुकान
मैना राणी
सांग सांग भोलानाथ
ससा तो कसा बॊल
जंगल जंगल बात चली है
Asha and friends - Zamana mein aaye hai deewane - Asha and Lil Champs

Some videos from Salil - Sandip:
अगोबाई ढग्गोबाई - Agobai Dhaggobai
मी पप्पाचा ढापून फोन - Mee Pappancha Dhapun Phone
दूर देशी गेला बाबा - Dur Deshi Gela Baba
दमलेल्या बाबाची कहाणी - Damlelya Babachi Kahani

Children’s songs in Marathi

Update: Play all files in your browser.

To play the file, click on the small triangle before the name. (needs javascript and flash plugin)
To download the file, right click on file name and select “Save Link As” or “Save Target As”

Aala Aala Paus आला आला पाउस आला बघा बघा हो आला आला ...
Mala Pawasat Jau De - ए आई मला पावसात जाऊ दे, एकदाच गं भिजून मला चिंब चिंब होऊदे
Chocolate Cha Bungla - असावा सुन्दर
Gori Gori Pan - गोरी गोरी पान फुलांसारखी छान दादा मला एक वहिनी आण
Koli Geet - Amhi Kolyanchi Pora Hay - आम्ही कोळ्यांची पोरं हाय हो
Konas Thauk Kasa - कोणास ठाऊक कसा पण शाळेत गेला ससा
Majhya Dadala - आणायचा माझ्या ताईला नवरा आणायचा
Mamachya Gawala Jauya - झूक झूक आगिनगाडी धुरांच्या रेघा हवेत काढी
Nach Re Mora - नाच रे मोरा आंब्याच्या बनात (देव बाप्पा)
Pustak Nantar Vacha - पुस्तक नंतर वाचा
Sang Sang Bholanath - सांग सांग भोलानाथ पाऊस पडेल काय
Ye Re Ye Re Pawasa - ये रे ये रे पावसा रुसलास का माझ्याशी गट्टी फू केलीस का
Ya varyanchya basuni vimani... Shala chandoba gurujinchi - या वार्‍यांच्या बसुनी विमानी ... शाळा चान्दोबा गुरूजींची
Chhaan Chhan Chhaan Mani Mauche Bal - छान छान छान मनीमाऊचं बाळ कसं
Raja Ranichi Nako - राजा राणीची नको
Bahuliche Lagin Zokat Lagale - बाहूलीचे लगीन झोकात लागलं


Fix font problems on firefox (or is a marathi news website using unicode fonts. But it does not display correctly on firefox browser. The problem is because of a single HTML div which uses justified font style. It displays correctly on IE (which is why it is not getting fixed) - this could be because of firefox's buggy implementation of "align: justify" or that IE simply ignores that style (likely).

Anyway, here is a javascript one liner that you can bookmark and once the page is loaded, click on it to fix your font problem.

Fix Ma. Ta. -- Drag this link to your bookmarks.

I tried to create a greasemonkey script to do this automatically, but it's not working for some reason...

Update: Apparently it *is* a mozilla/firefox bug open for 4+ years. See here and here.

Update2: Here is a greasemonkey script by Saravana Kumar to fix this issue. Caution: you might want to change the included domains carefully (it by default runs on all http and https sites!)

Update3: Here is my greasemonkey script specific for maharashtratimes. Enjoy!

Update4: (2009-02-16) The original site seems to have removed this style attribute now. So the above post is now only for posterity.

Search the web for devanagari words.

I created a small form using which you can search the web for unicode devanagari words. It is very cumbersome to actually enter unicode devanagari characters using qwert keyboards, so I have adopted the phonetic transliteration scheme from Manogat website. Do give it a try: (Link now removed, please see update below)

Start typing devanagari words phonetically and you will see unicode characters in the input area. When you hit enter, the phrase will be submitted to google.

Update: (2009-07-14) I have taken down my link now, as there are many more effective alternatives to do this. Check out the following pages from google:
Google Indic Transliteration (Marathi, Hindi)
Bookmarklets to transliterate any text element on any webpage.
A simple form for transliterating any text.

Religious Stotra – काही धार्मिक स्तोत्रे ध्वनीरूपामध्ये

Update: For those looking for the lyrics of Mahishasura mardini shloka, here is a link.

Update: There have been many requests for Shivaleelamrut (Shivleelamrut). Here is one link to the complete text in devanagari: - श्री शिवलीलामृत

Update: Click here to listen to Complete Ganesh Pooja.

I keep getting a lot of hits on some of the old posts (Ram Raksha Stotra and Hanuman Chalisa) with visitors asking for audio versions of the stotra. Here is a page where I will keep collecting the audio versions of various stotras.

To Play: If you have javascript enabled, you can click on the small arrow before each link to play the file.
To Download: Right click the link and select "Save Link As" or “Save Target As”.

श्री शिवलीलामृत - ११ वा अध्याय (अपूर्ण) (Shivaleelamrut - 11th Chapter (Incomplete))

RamRaksha Stotra - श्री रामरक्षा स्तोत्र

Ganapati Atharvasheersh - श्री गणपत्यथर्वशीर्ष  (or in PDF)

Ganapati Stotra - गणपती स्तोत्र (words and English Meaning)

Guru Mantra - गुरू मंत्र

Another version of Guru Mantra (Guru Stotram) by Swami Atmananda.
Guru Stotram गुरू स्तोत्रम Text
Shiva Tandav Stotra - शिव तांडव स्तोत्र

Shiv Mahimna Stotra. Lyrics / शब्द

Vishnu Sahastranam - श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम

Beej Mantra - बीज मंत्र

Maha Mrutyunjay Mantra - महा म्रुत्युंजय मंत्र


Kailas Rana Shiva Chandramouli - कैलास राणा शिव चंद्रमौळी

Mantra Pushpanjali - मंत्र पुष्पांजली

Bhimarupi Maharudra (Hanuman Stotra) - भीमरूपी महारुद्रा - शब्द

Mahishasur Mardini Stotra - महिषासुर मर्दिनी स्तोत्र -

Pasayadan - पसायदान शब्द

Purush Sukta (with meaning in English) - पुरूष सुक्त (इंग्रजी अनुवादासहित)

Chandika Devi Kavach - चंडिका देवी कवच

Durga Kavach 1 - दुर्गा कवच १

Durga Kavach 2 Anuradha Paudwal- दुर्गा कवच (अनुराधा पौडवाला)

Hanuman Kavach - हनुमान कवच

Shree Sukta - श्री सुक्त (Script and Meaning)
- Thanks to Abhijeet V. Wajpe for this

जय अंबे माता Jaya Ambe Maata

Jai Jai Hanuman - जय जय हनुमान:
Shree Hanuman Chalisa (Anup Jalota) श्री हनुमान चालिसा (अनुप जलोटा)

Hanuman Austak - हनुमान अष्टक

Hanuman Stavan - हनुमान स्तवन

Chhand - छंद

Jiske Man Main Base Shreeramji - जिसके मनमें बसे श्रीरामजी

Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Ki - जय जय हनुमान की

Kab Loge Hamari Khabariya - कब लोगे हमारी खबरियाँ

Shree Hanuman Aarti - श्री हनुमान आरती

जय जगदीश हरे जय जगदीश हरे - Jay Jagadeesh Hare (words)


Song from animation film Hanuman
Mahabali maharudra

beautifully sung by Vijay Prakash, Sonu Nigam, Shaan, Palash Sen, Kailash Kher, Madhushree, Sneha Pant, music by Tapas Relia and lyrics by Satish Mutatkar.

Lyrics in itrans ascii:
(jaya hanumaan gyaan guNa saagar
jaya kapiis tihu lok ujaagar
raamadoot atulit bal dhaamaa
a.njanee putra pavanasoot naamaa)

paraakram se gu.nje tribhuvan
dharatii paataal,duShTa bhanjan
jal saagar kare paraajay kra.ndan
trikaal nira.ntar lok va.ndan

mahaabali mahaarudraa mahaavajraa
shauryavaan veer hanumaan......

chehare se chhalakatii namrataa
aankho.n me.n shaa.nt chit kii chhaayaa
mukhapara hai.n subaha kii laalii
vishaal si.ndoor lipii kaayaa

(mahaabeer bikram bajara.ngii
kumatii nivaar sumatii ke sa.ngii
ka.nchan baran biraaj shubhesaa
kaanan ku.nDal ku.nchit kesaa
haat vajra aur dhvajaa biraje
khaa.nde moo.nj janeu saage
sha.nkar suvanaa kesarii na.ndan
tej prataap mahaa jag va.ndan)

bikaT samay nikaT jo aaye
pratham vahii smaraN aa jaaye
har vipadaa vo door kare
sa.nkaT mochan tabhii kahalaaye

shaktii kii nayii paribhaaShaa
viraaT vikramii roop anokhaa
laaye uThaaye droNagirii
aur jag dekhe leelaa nyaarii

(जय हनुमान ग्यान गुण सागर
जय कपीस तिहु लोक उजागर
रामदूत अतुलित बल धामा
अंजनी पुत्र पवनसूत नामा)

पराक्रम से गुंजे त्रिभुवन
धरती पाताल,दुष्ट भन्जन
जल सागर करे पराजय क्रंदन
त्रिकाल निरंतर लोक वंदन

महाबलि महारुद्रा महावज्रा
शौर्यवान वीर हनुमान......

चेहरे से छलकती नम्रता
आन्खों में शांत चित की छाया
मुखपर हैं सुबह की लाली
विशाल सिंदूर लिपी काया

(महाबीर बिक्रम बजरंगी
कुमती निवार सुमती के संगी
कंचन बरन बिराज शुभेसा
कानन कुंडल कुंचित केसा
हात वज्र और ध्वजा बिरजे
खांदे मूंज जनेउ सागे
शंकर सुवना केसरी नंदन
तेज प्रताप महा जग वंदन)

बिकट समय निकट जो आये
प्रथम वही स्मरण आ जाये
हर विपदा वो दूर करे
संकट मोचन तभी कहलाये

शक्ती की नयी परिभाषा
विराट विक्रमी रूप अनोखा
लाये उठाये द्रोणगिरी
और जग देखे लीला न्यारी

India’s Electronic Voting Machines compared to Diebold…

Techaos: Indian EVM compared with Diebold

Indian EVM compared with Diebold
I am writing this while the results are coming out for the Indian Assembly
Election of 2004. 8 news channels are showing results updating like stock
prices on the screen. Yes a 3 second update. The counting is although very
simple and fast because Electronic voting machines were used. But counting from
1.5 Million voting machines is expected to take almost 3 to 4 hours, since, the
Electoral Process needs to be followed in all its bureaucratic steps. The
numbers tell that the ruling party (BJP) is trailing against its main
opposition (INC established by Gandhi). Nobody has doubts about the fairness of
the elections. Re-voting is announced in few stations, due to various reasons.
But over all the biggest democracy in the world has lived up to its
expectations. The ruling party, over-confident of its good economic track
record, declared the elections 8 months ahead of schedule, riding on the
general �feel-good� factor going on in the country these days. But now it
seems, the voters are not that gullible, the opposition INC has got 216 seats
out of 539 and will be invited to prove the majority and form a government.
Indian democracy is of the Parliamentary type, not the Jeffersonian Model
(Presidential type) practiced in America. In the Indian Equation, if a party
gets 272 seats out of 539, they can form a government. and guess what, we may
see an Italian born woman as Prime minister of India! If this is not democratic
then what is?

Last few months have brought very serious discussions on the Net regarding the
use of Electronic Voting, and the security of it. In the USA, the saga related
to Diebold and its opposition is well known. I do not know the electoral
process in the United States, but I attempt here to compare the Technology used
by the Indian Election commission and the Diebold AccuVote system. I present
here the Information I have about the Indian system, and the information about
Diebold got from the web.

Reading this article, some of you might remember that Cold war era joke, about
NASA and its multi million dollar experiment with a pen that can write in micro
gravity to solve the writing problems of astronauts, and the Russian solution
of using a Pencil to solve the same problem. IMHO, the Diebold system is too
complex for a simple and straight forward task such as voting. Windows CE,
Modems, PCMCIA storage cards, Touch screen GUI, On-screen writing facility,
Voice-guidance system, multiple language UI, DES Encryption, centralized voting
Server, a step-by-step wizard to cast a vote, Microsoft SQL Server to store
votes, Backup servers etc. are all unnecessary. All geeks know that a smaller
and simple system is more secure, more code means more cost, more chances for
bugs, more threats to security. You cannot make a system that is �guaranteed�
as secure. A lot depends on the electoral process and the integrity of election

The Indian Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) are designed and developed by two
Government Owned Defense Equipment Manufacturing Units, Bharat Electronics
Limited (BEL) and Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL). Both systems
are identical, and are developed to the specifications of Election Commission
of India.

The System is a set of two devices running on 6V batteries. One device, the
Voting Unit is used by the Voter, and another device called the Control Unit is
operated by the Electoral Officer. Both units are connected by a 5 meter cable.
The Voting unit has a Blue Button for every candidate, the unit can hold 16
candidates, but up to 4 units can be chained, to accommodate 64 candidates. The
Control Units has Three buttons on the surface, namely, one button to release a
single vote, one button to see the total umber of vote casted till now, and one
button to close the election process. The result button is hidden and sealed,
It cannot be pressed unless the Close button is already pressed.

The voting unit has a list of candidate's names and their Party Symbols pasted
on the surface, and a Blue button to cast a vote faces ever candidate's name.
The Party Symbols (like a Lotus, an elephant, a horse etc.) are approved by the
election commission to be unique, All political parties use these symbols while
campaigning, and illiterate people can identify their candidates by looking at
his symbol, and pressing the blue button in front of his symbol.

Here is how the voting process goes,

  1. The Voter is Identified, by his Government Issued Voter Identity Card, or his
    Public Distribution System's Ration Card, when he enters the polling station.

  2. Voter's finger is marked with a special ink, in such a way that the ink spreads
    from finger skin to nail in a small dot. One cannot remove this Ink without
    hurting himself. The Ink washes away in two week's time.

  3. The Electoral Officer then Presses a button on his Control Unit, that releases a
    single ballot, for the voter to use, this of course is electronic so it just
    enables the Voting unit to register one Vote.

  4. Now Voter enters the voting Booth, and preses a Button in front of name and
    Election Symbol of the Candidate. This action blinks an LED in front of the
    candidate's name and sounds a loud and long Beep, that declares that the vote
    is casted.

Notes: The System accepts only 5 votes in a minute. The Indian Election process
is distributed in such a way that there are never more than 1500 voters for a
single polling booth. So, even if armed men capture the polling station, they
cannot cast 1500 bogus votes in less than 5 hours, and Indian police is not as
slow as the bollywood movies project them to be. No voter has to travel more
than 2 Kilometers to cast his vote. Its fairly easy for an election officer or
opposition political agents to identify people who attempt to appear twice with
different identity. (The Ink on the finger is the main reason).

And here is how the results are obtained from the machines.

  1. After the voting is over, electoral officer presses the Close switch on the
    Control Unit, after which no votes are registered by the unit. The total number
    of the Votes registered are noted by all stake holders (political party agents)
    and then the control units are put into its own special carrying case, and
    sealed for transport.

  2. Control Units from all Polling stations are transported to the nearest District

  3. On the day of counting the seals of the Control Units are opened. The control
    unit has a Results Button which is physically secured by a protective seal,
    this button is pressed to obtain the results. The Machine gives the Serial
    number of the Candidate, and the votes that he has won.

  4. The Election commission takes a decision to ask for a re-election if the
    machines are found to be tempered with. Or if the count of signatures or thumb
    impressions (yes, India's illiterate also take part in the democracy) on the
    voter register do not tally with the number of votes registered by the Voting
    Machine. In this election, about a 100 polling booths, (I think) were asked to
    conduct the election again. This number is small, for the size of Indian

  5. In case of disputes, the machines are preserved for the courts to decide upon,
    other machines are used for next election after reseting the memory.

Diebold system works on Microsoft software, it has no seals on locks and panels
to detect a tempering. It has a keyboard interface (!!!) and the server was
tested to have �Blaster� virus. One report on Wired says a lady stumbled upon
some files from Diebold, and found that the votes were stored in MS Access
files. It also has a PCMCIA SanDisk card for local storage. A touchscreen GUI
and a network connection to send the results to a server after encrypting it
with DES.

The Indian EVM is just plain circuit, with some assembly code. A few LEDs, and
two Seven Segment LED displays. One EVM can list 16 candidates, but up to 4
EVMs can be Linked to accommodate 64 candidates. (In a country of a billion
people its possible to have 64 candidates for one single constituency.)

Diebold has received its share of criticism from Techies and Paranoids. Techies
are Concerned about the vulnerability of the system. Some concerns are right,
like having a network to communicate votes to a central server, exposes the
system to unimaginable risk. I mean, we all know how safe is a windows box on a
network ;-). But, some criticism is just not right, like the keyboard
interface, and card reader jamming etc. No, electoral officer in his sane mind
would allow a voter to walk into a booth with a keyboard in hand, and would not
let him be inside the booth long enough to duplicate a smart card or to open
the voting machine to do some EPROM Programming, or to run a forceful algorithm
to break DES.

India's leading daily newspaper, carried an article on the eve of the elections,
saying that the microchip containing the code of the EVM machines can be copied
in minutes. The article was titled, �Winning Elections Made Easy�. The article
was written by an Indian Professor living and teaching in America. But I don't
think it is possible, as long as the Electoral system and Election officials
function to their expectations. Usually Indian elections take place during
school Vacations, and Teachers are recruited by the Indian Election Commission
to perform duty as election officers.

I guess, The differences in both technologies are as follows.

Device type
EVM: Embedded with Assembly code
Diebold: Embedded with Windows CE, and C++ code

Visual Output
EVM: Single LED against each candidate's name

Diebold: Color Touchscreen, with GUI software

Operating System/ Software
EVM: None, the Assembly code to register number of votes is all it has.
Diebold: Windows CE, and C++ code stored on the Internal Memory and
PCMCIA cards.

Records/ Audits
EVM: The Voting unit doesn't store anything, the control unit records
the number of votes casted for each candidate against his serial number. No
record to link person-to-vote.
Diebold: Internal ribbon printer. And PCMCIA storage for records and
audit trials. Additionally the GEMS server also stores the votes and audits.


EVM: Blind people are allowed to bring an escort into the polling booth
to help them vote.
Diebold: Optional Audio component to assist the visually impaired.
�Magnify� feature to enlarge the text. I guess all Windows CE Accessibility
features are available on these systems.

EVM: Control Unit accumulates the votes, it is a device with flash
storage and seven segment LED displays. They are connected to voting units with
a 5 meter cable, the Unit has a switch to issue a ballot for a voter.

Diebold: Two GEMS servers one primary and a backup, for every polling
station, that connects to the voting units to �load the ballots� (!!) and then
voting units work independently. They are again connected at the time of

Security of Access
EVM: Physical security is ensured by the electoral officers. Unit is
sealed during transport.
Diebold: GEMS servers have access through Supervisory Smart cards, and
PINs, some users have login and password access.

Ballot Issue
EVM: Ballot is issued by Electoral officer by pressing a button on the
Control Unit. It allows the voter to press one button on the voting unit.
Diebold: Voter access smart card is issued in an envelope for a
terminal. Voter can put it in the assigned terminal and cast his/her vote.

Storage of Votes

EVM: In Internal Non removable memory of the Control Units. All control
units are transported physically to the counting center.
Diebold: In a PCMCIA card hidden in the Voting Unit. Results are
�transmitted� using modems to the counting center.

Cost of the System
EVM: About 10500 Rs. (230$) for 1 control Unit + one voting unit.

Diebold: About 3300$.

Power Supply
EVM: 6V alkaline batteries
Diebold: electricity

EVM: 3840 Votes (the electoral process distributes one polling station
for not more than 1500 voters) so its large enough.
Diebold: Over 35000 votes.


EVM: The Voting unit has a Non tear-able printed sticker, which is
printed in any of the 18 (yes 18) constitutional languages, spoken in the
region. The Election Symbol of the candidate allows people who cannot read that
language or cannot read any language at all to vote by pressing the button
against the symbol.
Diebold: Supports more than 8 different languages using GEMS software.

Developed by
EVM: State owned Defense Equipment manufacturing units.

Diebold: Private company.

Buyer/ Owner
EVM: Election commission of India buys it and ownes it to conduct
elections everywhere in India.
Diebold: Individual states / counties buy the systems, and use it to
take part in elections, each state can decide based on its law, which system to


How E-Voting
threatens democracy [Wired]

Electronic Voting Machine

Presentation on EVM [Election Commission of

Election Commision of India

Bharat Electronics Limited

BPO to help BPL (Below Poverty Line) families in Kerala…

NASSCOM - Using BPO to help BPL families IN Kerala

A BUNCH of women from Below Poverty Line families in Kerala may well be competing with `hot and happening' BPO companies elsewhere if a plan by the State to take business process outsourcing to the grassroots takes off.

Kerala plans to set up BPO units by bringing under one roof the `Kudumbashree' IT units spread across the State. Kudumbashree is a project to encourage local entrepreneurs, mostly women, with the goal of eliminating poverty.

Under this project, there are 58 IT units functioning across the State, employing about 600 women.

They undertake data-entry work, desktop publishing and impart basic computer training. Most of their work comes from the Government, which outsources data-entry work to these units.

Now, the Kudumbashree Mission plans to bring together select IT units under one roof to achieve a critical scale required for a BPO unit. Five units in Ernakulam district who have performed well have been identified to do the pilot, official sources told Business Line.

Each of these units would buy 50 computers so that collectively they can boast of 250 seats. "This centre can work on three shifts, thereby having virtually 750 seats a day," a project official said.

It is estimated that each unit can go for a loan of Rs 15 lakh to buy the computers. "These units have taken loans to set up their existing operations.

Many of them have already paid off their loans. So getting financial support from banks will not be a problem," the official said.

There are hardware units functioning under the Kudumbashree Mission itself and computers can be sourced from these units, which assemble desktops and take up maintenance work.

The BPO unit can take up large-scale data-entry work to begin with and eventually handle more sophisticated areas, such as medical transcription and e-mail processing. "Once we have the scale, then we can pitch for larger projects. We have already got some informal feedback on this project from the US," the official said. In the initial phase, the focus would be on the domestic market and government sector.

After Ernakulam, similar projects will be replicated in Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode districts, giving jobs to over 2,000 people. As for the necessary manpower, the plan is to hire from those trained by the IT units.

The Kudumbashree Mission is hopeful that the first BPO unit would come up by December this year.

A Very good critique on NTP (National Telecom Policy of India)

Just came across this very good critic on India's National Telecom Policy 1999.

I guess we need to have more public reviews of such policies.

BTW is the weblog of Prof. Atanu Dey from Berkeley, and the site has a lot of insightful articles. He is off to India to implement a model called "Rural Infrastructure and Services Commmons (RISC)" which was his Ph.D. thesis.

Some other articles worth reading there:
The Hype: India as a IT superpower